Japan Information

二日続けて通った浜名湖周辺の私のお勧めのうなぎ屋さんMy recommendation for an eel restaurant I went to two days in a row around Lake Hamana.

お勧めのうなぎ屋さんは知波田駅近くの五條です。This is an introduction to a recommended eel restaurant in Hamanako. It is very tasty and both I, who try to eat less salt, and my companion, who wants kabayaki, are very satisfied. There is Gojo near Chihada station.
Random Note

Google Mapでたどり着けなかった名古屋 伏見ミリオン座への行き方How to get to Fushimi Millionza, which could not be reached by Google Maps – from Fushimi Station.

グーグルマップで行けなかった伏見ミリオン座への名古屋駅からの行き方を解説。Explains how to get to Fushimi Millionza, which could not be reached by Google Map, from Nagoya Station.
Japan Information

Starting in the spring of 2024, smoking rooms on Shinkansen trains will no longer be provided and smoking will become completely non-smoking.

Smoking rooms in the Tokaido Shinkansen, Sanyo Shinkansen, and Kyushu Shinkansen trains will be abolished in the spring of 2024, and smoking will become completely prohibited.
Japan Information

Let’s take a picture of Mt. Fuji without electric wires from the Shinkansen train from Nagoya to Tokyo!

Introduction of good seats for viewing Mt. Fuji from the Tokaido Shinkansen and places and times to take beautiful pictures of Mt. Fuji from the train window.
Japan Information

I had a delicious hamburger in Higashiyama, Kyoto!

I had a delicious hamburger in Higashiyama, Kyoto! The name of the restaurant is "58 Diner.
Japan Information

How to drink coffee in the green car (1st class) of Tokaido Shinkansen

Shinkansen Green Car will be sold by mobile order, starting November 1, 2023.

お月見🎑泥棒って何?          What’s a moonlight 🎑 thief(Otukimi Dorobou)? 


フォッサマグナパークに行ってきた!新潟県糸魚川市  I went to Fossa Magna Park in Niigata Prefecture !

Random Note

デイヴィッド ホックニー展に行ってきた!    I went to the David Hockney exhibition in Tokyo!

デイヴィッド ホックニー展に行ってきた!春の到来がとてもよかった。
Japan Information

伊勢志摩スカイラインをお得に楽しむには How to enjoy Ise-Shima skyline cheaper than usual. Mie Prefecture which is near Nara,Japan
