フォッサマグナパークに行ってきた!新潟県糸魚川市  I went to Fossa Magna Park in Niigata Prefecture !



*フォッサマグナミュージアムとフォッサマグナパークの場所は少し離れています。見学に向かうには、時間がかかりますので気を付けてください。The Fossa Magna Museum and Fossa Magna Park are located a short distance apart. Please be aware that it will take some time to head out for a visit.

東日本と西日本の地質の境目をこの目で見てきた!             I have seen with my own eyes the geological boundary between eastern and western Japan!


There is a place where you can see the geological boundary between eastern and western Japan with your own eyes. It is a very rare place in the world, and moreover, you can safely see the fault plane. Even small children can go with you. It is an amazing place where you can clearly see the difference between the two cross sections.

 フォッサマグナパークで東北日本と西南日本の境目を見よう!       See the border between Northeast Japan and Southwest Japan at Fossa Magna Park!


The Fossa Magna is the rift valley that geologically borders northeastern and southwestern Japan in the central part of Honshu, the Japanese archipelago. Some of you may have heard of it when you were in junior high or high school. It is a large fault line called the “Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line,” which begins at Itoigawa in Niigata Prefecture and runs through Himegawa, Lake Suwa, Kamanashi River, Fuji River, and Shizuoka. This Fossa Magna is considered to be the boundary between the two plates that form the Japanese archipelago.

このフォッサマグナは、2つの別々の時代にできた地層がぶつかり合っているところ。 普通は目で見ることはできないのですが、なんと新潟県糸魚川市大町に、このぶつかり合っているところを見ることができる場所がここなのです。

The Fossa Magna is a collision of geological strata from two different eras. Normally, you cannot see this collision with your eyes, but there is a place in Omachi, Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture, where you can see this collision.

 そもそも、フォッサマグナって何? What is the Fossa Magna anyway?

フォッサマグナとは、ラテン語で「大きな溝」という意味です。明治時代に日本に来たドイツの地質学者・ナウマン博士が発見し、命名しました。日本海から太平洋までのびる1~3億年以上前にできた古い岩石の溝に、2000万年前以降にできた新しい地層がたまったものです。Fossa Magna means “great gulf” in Latin. It was discovered and named by Dr. Naumann, a German geologist who came to Japan during the Meiji era. The Fossa Magna is an accumulation of newer strata formed 20 million years ago and later in a trench of older rocks formed more than 100 to 300 million years ago that stretches from the Sea of Japan to the Pacific Ocean.    



This Fossa Magna Park is a fault viewing park where the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line has been artificially exposed and equipped with a route that even children can take. When I visited, children as young as elementary school age were coming up to the fault viewing area with their parents. The fault fracture zone is where rocks about 16 million years old on the east side (right hand side) and rocks about 270 million years old on the west side (left hand side) meet, and the strata are different colors.

フォッサマグナパークの地層断面のことを詳しく学ぶために、まず、フォッサマグナパークへ行こう                         To learn more about the stratigraphic section of Fossa Magna Park, go to Fossa Magna Park first!


To learn more about the fault planes of Fossa Magna Park, first go to the Fossa Magna Museum, located a short distance away. It is a nice place in the park. It has a lot of contents, so you will want about 2 to 3 hours to take a good look at it. In addition, if you want to see the fault planes in Fossa Magna Park, it will take much longer. It takes about 20 minutes by car to reach the parking lot of Fossa Magna Park. There is a public restroom right near there. It is located right next to the road. It was clean inside. From there, follow the road to the entrance to the mountain. The entrance to the mountain is paved but steep. There was another route leading to a sloped path, but the entrance seemed a little further away. The mountain is overgrown with trees. The path is not very wide, so small children may feel safer if they hold hands with you. Walking slowly, you will see the strata cross section. It is impressive! To get closer to the fault plane, you have to go down a long flight of stairs. There seemed to be more places to see beyond that, but I turned around and went back home because it was getting close to dusk.

                                              These sentences were translated by DeepL.
