【2024年】ロンドン市内、ラッセル・スクエア(Russell Square)駅からユーストン駅経由でワーナー・ブラザーズ・スタジオ・ツアー Waner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter に参加する方法  ( [2024] How to Get to Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter via Euston Station from Russell Square Station in Central London)


Harry Potter Waner Bros.S のシャトルバス Geography
Harry Potter Waner Bros.S のシャトルバス

HISロンドンパッケージツアーについていた”ワーナー・ブラザース スタジオツアー 鉄道・シャトルバス付き”。「ユーストン駅から電車にのるというけれど、そもそもユーストン駅までどうやって行くの?」と思うあなたに、私が参考にした動画や実際行った体験をご紹介します。ズバリ、ラッセル・スクエア駅近辺からは北西にまっすぐ進むだけ!これを読めば、あなたも鉄道でワーナー・ブラザース・スタジオ・ツアーに安心して参加できますよ!

The “Warner Bros. Studio Tour with Train and Shuttle Bus” was included in the HIS London package tour. The tour includes a train ride from Euston Station, but how do you get to Euston Station in the first place? If you are wondering how to get to Euston Station, let me introduce the video I used as a reference and my actual experience there. The answer is, from the Russell Square station area, you just go straight northwest! After reading this, you too can take the Warner Bros. Studios Tour by train with no worries!

  1. ラッセル・スクエア駅から出た通りをまっすぐ進むだけ!でユーストン駅にたどり着きます Just go straight down the street leaving Russell Square Station! and you will reach Euston Station!
  2. ユーストン駅を予習する! Preliminary study of Euston Station!
  3. スタート地点:ラッセルスクエア駅 Starting point: Russell Square Station
  4. ユーストン駅へのアクセス Directions to Euston Station
  5. 鉄道チケットの表示の確認 Checking your train ticket with departure and arrival times display
  6. 駅の構内と時刻表の確認 Checking the station and the timetable
  7. ホームに向かい、改札がないまま列車に乗る Head to the platform and board the train without a ticket gate.
  8. ワトフォード・ジャンクション駅で下車し、改札を通りシャトルバスのりばへGet off at Watford Junction Station and go through the ticket gate to the shuttle bus stop.
  9. 降りたバス停で帰りのバスの時間も確認しよう Let’s also check the return bus time at the bus stop where you got off.
  10. チケット窓口によること Depends on the ticket window
  11. スタジオのエントランスでセキュリティチェックがあります There is a security check gate at the entrance of the studio
  12. 無料のオーディオガイドを一人一つもらうことをおすすめします       We recommend getting one free audio guide per person!
  13. パスポートを受け取って、ツアーのスタート!楽しんで! Receive your passport and start your tour! Enjoy!
  14. まとめ Summary

ラッセル・スクエア駅から出た通りをまっすぐ進むだけ!でユーストン駅にたどり着きます Just go straight down the street leaving Russell Square Station! and you will reach Euston Station!

結論は、ラッセル・スクエア駅から出てすぐの通りを、まっすぐ北西に進むだけ。距離は0.6マイル=約1km でした。私の足では、およそ15分から20分以内で歩けました。

To conclude, just go straight northwest on the street right after you exit Russell Square Station. The distance was 0.6 miles = about 1 km. On my feet, it took me approximately 15 to 20 minutes or less.

ユーストン駅を予習する! Preliminary study of Euston Station!

YouTubeで、ラッセル・スクエア駅周辺からユーストン駅までの道案内の動画を見つけることができ、まずは予習をしました。動画を見ることで、不安がかなり解消され、私達でも行けると、自信を持つ事ができました。まず、地図で予習。地下鉄のマークのあるラッセル・スクエア駅の改札を出て、左に曲がりRassell Square Station の交差点に出ます。そこから、この通りに沿ってロイヤルナショナルホテル方面にまっすぐ歩きます。上の地図をゆっくり上へスクロールしていくと、ユーストン駅が視野に入ってきます。これで、到着。道幅が狭く、人とすれ違うのがぎりぎりなので、大きな荷物をガラガラ引いて歩くのはおすすめしません。身軽な支度で出かけることをおすすめします。

We were able to find a video on YouTube showing directions from the Russell Square Station area to Euston Station, and we prepped ourself first. By watching the video, we felt much less anxious and more confident that we could get there. First, we prepped with a map. Exit the turnstiles at Russell Square Station, marked by the subway, and turn left to the intersection of Rassell Square Station. From there, walk straight along this street toward the Royal National Hotel. As you slowly scroll up on the map above, Euston Station will come into view. You have now arrived. The street is narrow and you will barely be able to pass people, so we do not recommend walking with large luggage rattling around. We recommend that you pack light.

スタート地点:ラッセルスクエア駅 Starting point: Russell Square Station


Exit Russell Square Station and head north along the large road in front of you. You will see the Royal National Hotel on your left. Continue straight ahead and cross the street at the traffic light. As you approach the intersection, you will see the Euston Station building at the end of the greenbelt.

ユーストン駅へのアクセス Directions to Euston Station


After crossing the large pedestrian crossing at the intersection, walk a little further and take the wide staircase on your left. It is not easy to see from the direction you are going, so please keep walking until you reach the side of the stairs. Go straight up the stairs. You can see the stores on your right and the plaza in the far front left , and you have entered the station.

鉄道チケットの表示の確認 Checking your train ticket with departure and arrival times display

旅行社から事前に送られてきた旅程やチケットは日本で打ち出して持参しています。代表者に全員分送られてくるので、すべてをプリントアウトしてください。写真は予備のものですが、実際はカラー印刷して日本で打ち出していきました。ここにLondon ユーストン出発時刻とワトフォード・ジャンクション 到着時刻が書かれています。帰りのチケットは、別にありますが、こちらは自由な時間に使えるため時刻は印字されていません。

The itinerary and tickets sent in advance from the travel agency are typed out in Japan and brought with you. The representative will receive all the tickets for everyone, so please print out all of them. The photo is a spare, but we actually printed it out in color and typed it up in Japan. The departure time from London Euston and arrival time at Watford Junction are written here. There is a separate ticket for the return trip, but this ticket is not printed out as it can be used at any time.


駅の構内と時刻表の確認 Checking the station and the timetable


First, go to the electronic bulletin board. The first one straight ahead is an advertising billboard, so please proceed to the two billboards in front of you. At first, since we arrived more than 30 minutes before departure, only the destination and number line were displayed. However, as the departure time approached, detailed timetables began to appear on the bulletin boards. As the departure time approached, it shifted to the left.



ホームに向かい、改札がないまま列車に乗る Head to the platform and board the train without a ticket gate.


Platform 5 was to the left of the row of stores. I did not have to show my ticket at the ticket gate and boarded the train that arrived at the platform about 4 minutes before departure time.

ワトフォード・ジャンクション駅で下車し、改札を通りシャトルバスのりばへGet off at Watford Junction Station and go through the ticket gate to the shuttle bus stop.



At Watford Junction station (there is a store where you can buy coffee outside the ticket gate), there was a ticket gate where you could read your train ticket. (There is a store where you can buy coffee just outside the ticket gate.) When we went outside, the shuttle bus stop was indicated from the roundabout. The Globe-Trotter says it costs 2.5 pounds, but we were able to get on that bus without paying by showing our Warner Bros. tickets.

Harry Potter Waner Bros.S 行きのバス
Harry Potter Waner Bros.S のシャトルバス

降りたバス停で帰りのバスの時間も確認しよう Let’s also check the return bus time at the bus stop where you got off.



We did not look at the bus schedule because we had not set a time to return. However, when we looked at the timetable on our way back, it was only about 30 minutes later. Furthermore, the train connection back to London was not good, so we should have checked it out.

チケット窓口によること Depends on the ticket window


The ticket window and entrance were a short walk from the bus stop.When I visited, there was only one set of customers at the ticket window, but be sure to stop by there.

スタジオのエントランスでセキュリティチェックがあります There is a security check gate at the entrance of the studio


At the entrance, there was a security check and everything in our bags and pockets was inspected. We also passed through a security gate just like at an airport.

無料のオーディオガイドを一人一つもらうことをおすすめします       We recommend getting one free audio guide per person!


Once inside, there were free audio guides for each country, but we went in without any, thinking we wouldn’t need them (we later regretted it). (We regretted it later. If you don’t speak the language, you should definitely rent one.)

パスポートを受け取って、ツアーのスタート!楽しんで! Receive your passport and start your tour! Enjoy!


The explanation of the passport you received was probably given in the audio guide at the beginning. I did not understand the explanation, so please listen to the guide carefully and enjoy the tour to the fullest!

まとめ Summary



We were not exactly Harry Potter fans, but we enjoyed the tour. The inside of the studio was just like the world of the movie, and when we saw the dining room set, we were impressed. It was a feeling of being able to enter the world of the story. In addition, we were able to enjoy the tour using the passport we received.

I think it would be fun for adults to accompany children on this tour!

Have a good time! (^^)/

DeepL.com (free version) helped me.

