”LiberFlyer SECURIPO”セキュリテイポーチ〜海外旅行おすすめグッズ1〜パスポートを盗まれないために セキュリテイポーチは、 ”LiberFlyer SECURIPO” International Travel Goods – Recommended Security Pouches ”LiberFlyer SECURIPO”

LiberFlyer SECURIPO 赤の画像 Random Note
LiberFlyer SECURIPO 赤の画像



We are planning an overseas trip for the first time in a long time. We are two women in our 60s traveling together, and a security pouch is a must.

But which one is best? I am sure you are wondering which one is the best. We have done a lot of research in preparation, and after actually using one, we would like to share our recommendations with you.

セキュリテイ ポーチはLiberFlyer セキュリポ(SECURIPO)が一押し  ”LiberFlyer SECURIPO” is the best choice for security pouches.



This time, I was the only one who wanted a new security pouch. I had been using my favorite security pouch before. However, when I went to Germany in August, it was in the 30’s Celsius outside. The long-distance bus I boarded after that had air-conditioning, and the security pouch I was using was made of a material similar to plastic, so my stomach got sweaty and cold, and I had terrible diarrhea. I had a terrible case of diarrhea. “I can’t go back to Japan without seeing Neuschwanstein Castle! I was looking for a pouch that was not made of vinyl.

After much research, I purchased this product, which was recommended by tour guides and many others on blogs, etc.

表側はこんな感じです Here’s what the front look like


The image shows the front side. The front is the outside. This area is double-layered, and I mainly put my passport in and out right after opening the zipper. When the zipper is unzipped, there is another pocket in the back where I put credit cards and pounds that I might use.

LiberFlyer の画像 ジッパー持ち手の縫い目が赤
LiberFlyer 赤 を購入


The top half of the front side (this is what it looks like when you put things in the mesh where it hits your body). Zip it open to store it. On this trip, I did not put anything in here.


裏側はこんな感じです Here’s what the back look like


This is the back side. The front side is a hidden pocket. This side does not come out unless you open the snap. I kept my Japanese yen, credit cards, and passport in this pocket, which I don’t use in my daily life.

LiberFlyer の画像 赤 の裏側
LiberFlyer の画像 赤 の裏側


The material is waterproof but not slippery and has a good feel.

なぜこれを選んだか。実際に使ってみてどうだったか。Why did you choose this? What was it like to actually use it?

  1. おなか側がメッシュであるため汗蒸れしない(個人的にはここが一番大事!)          → 今回は、20℃台の気温であったことは大きいですが、全く蒸れませんでした
  2. スキミング被害が多いと聞いていたので、スキミング防止機能がついていたこと        → 駅のエレベーターは人が接触するくらい混むので、この点も安心でした
  3. 小柄で小太りの私が、上からウインドブレーカーを着たとき、身につけていることがわかりにくい薄型 → 日本で、届いてすぐに着用予定のモンベルの薄いブレーカー:緑を羽織りましたが、透けませんでした。実際は、下着のすぐ上に着用し、出さなければならない場合(空港でパスポートを出すのみでした)は、引っ張り出してすぐしまうようにしました。お手洗いでも、ベルトが緩むことなく、着用を忘れるくらいでした。
  4. できれば、身につけていることが気にならない → 気になりませんでした。

1. No sweat steaming due to the mesh on the tummy side (personally, this is the most important!)          → This time, the temperature was in the 20°C range, which was significant, but I didn’t feel stuffy at all!

2. I had heard that there was a lot of skimming damage, so it was equipped with an anti-skimming function → The lifts at the station are so crowded that people come into contact with each other, so this was also a relief.

3. The thinness of the windbreaker makes it difficult to see that I am wearing it when I am small and fat and put it on over my windbreaker → In Japan, I put on a thin Montbell windbreaker: green, which I planned to wear as soon as I received it, but it was not transparent. In fact, I wore it just above my underwear and if I had to take it out (I only had to take my passport out at the airport), I pulled it out and put it away immediately. Even in the lavatory, the belt never loosened and I forgot to wear it.

4. If possible, I did not mind wearing it → I did not mind wearing it.

まとめ 一押しのセキュリティポーチは ”LiberFlyer の SECURIPO”

結果、一押しのセキュリテイポーチは、LiberFlyer の SSECURIPO です。ぜひ、使ってみてくださいね。

Deep L helped me.

Have a nice time! (^^)/
