バック&洋服とめるベルト 海外旅行・海外研修おすすめグッズ3〜空港に行くまでの荷物崩れを防ぐには”バック&洋服とめるベルト”〜Overseas Travel Recommendation – “Bags & Clothes Fastening Belt”


バッグとめるベルト の画像 Random Note
バッグとめるベルト の画像



I am concerned about the cold temperatures on the plane, so I pack what I am going to wear in my carry-on backpack and get on the plane. But until I get to the airport, I have a carry-on bag, and I also carry a pouch with money in it. When traveling to the airport by public transportation, c

When I am traveling to the airport, I use this belt to strap my backpack and clothes to my carry-on bag until I check in my luggage. It stays securely in place, so I can carry them without stress.

”バッグとめるベルト プラス” の画像
”バッグとめるベルト” の画像

リュックサックがしっかり留められるベルト ”バッグとめるベルト”Belt that securely fastens backpacks “Bag Fastening Belt”.


This belt can be used to fasten not only backpacks and clothes, but also large Boston bags. Even a Boston bag with a carrying bar that can be threaded through the handle of a carry case can be fastened with this belt to keep it from swaying from side to side and to carry it stably. Currently, the belt has evolved into a bag and clothing fastening belt!

”バッグとめるベルト プラス” 使用例の画像
”バッグとめるベルト プラス” 使用例の画像

使い方は簡単 Easy to use 


  1. 片側のゴムをキャリーケースのハンドルか、持ち手に通す
  2. 装着する荷物をキャリーケースに乗せる
  3. もう片側のゴムをハンドルに通し、手荷物を固定する
  4. 手荷物がずれないようベルトの長さをを調整して装着完了
”バッグとめるベルト プラス”使い方説明画像
”バッグとめるベルト プラス”使い方説明画像

Easy to use

  1. Thread the elastic on one side through the handle or handles of the carry case.

2. Place the luggage to be attached onto the carry case

3. Secure your baggage by sliding the other elastic through the handlebars.

4. Adjust the length of the belt to keep the baggage in place.

付け外しも簡単 easy to install and remove


If you find it inevitably difficult to hold the handle of your carry-on case on an escalator or on stairs without an elevator, you can immediately remove it and carry a backpack or the like on your back to descend the stairs with ease. In that case, you can also strap a pochette to it in the opposite direction.

平らに持ちたいものもおすすめ Flat holdings are also recommended.


As an added bonus, it is also good for carrying items that you want to hold flat. I recommend carrying my favorite rice cake snacks flat, so this belt is very convenient. I recommend it for domestic travel.

まとめ:リュックサックは”バッグ&洋服とめるベルト”でとめて運ぼう! Summary: Use a “bag and clothes belt” to fasten your backpack!


For bulky items such as backpacks, it is convenient to use a “bag and clothes belt” to fasten the bag and clothes. Recommended!

Have a nice day! (^^)/
