Stayed at Kyukamura NANKI-KATSUURA and visited Kumano Sanzan 1~ Hayatama taisha 休暇村 南紀勝浦に宿泊して、熊野三山にお参りしてきました 1~速玉大社 編  

熊野権現速玉大社本殿 the Kumano Hayatama Taisha Grand Shrine, the UNESCO World Heritage sites Japan Information
熊野権現速玉大社 本殿 the Kumano Hayatama Taisha Grand Shrine, the UNESCO World Heritage sites

Kumano Pilgrimage on April 5~6, 2024  2024年4月5日~6日に熊野詣に出かけました

One of my cherished Kumano-go’o-ho-in was accidentally soiled. I wanted to thank God for keeping it safe until today, so I decided to get Kumano-go’o-ho-in.



First, we went to Hayatama-taisha shrine to pay our respects.まずは速玉大社へお参りに行きました 

We arrived at Hayatama Taisha around 4pm. We came by car. The Kisei Highway has been extended to the Kumano Odomari IC, so access from the east has improved. There were many tourists in the precincts of the shrine. We saw many foreigners. We saw many people from Asia, but also from Europe and the USA, and we heard French and other European languages that we had never heard before. World heritage sites are very popular.



熊野権現速玉大社本殿 the Kumano Hayatama Taisha Grand Shrine, the UNESCO World Heritage sites
熊野権現速玉大社 本殿 The Kumano Hayatama Taisha Grand Shrine, the UNESCO World Heritage sites

 After visiting the shrine, we headed for Kyukamura Nanki-Katsuura. Drive along the seaside road, and you will arrive at the hotel in 11.7Km.

参拝を終えて、休暇村 那智勝浦へ向かいます。海沿いの道をドライブして、11.7Km で到着です。

Kyukamura Nanki-Katsuura is a scenic inn located on a hill overlooking Kumanonada. Delicious food at reasonable prices. 休暇村 南紀勝浦 は高台にある景色の良いお宿。リーズナアブルなお値段で美味しいお料理がいただける 

Here we are at the Holiday Village Nanki-Katsuura. This is the same inn I used on my last Kumano pilgrimage. The entrance is a little higher than the lobby, and the stairs lead to the lobby. If you are a member of Kakushi Mura, you can get a good deal.

つきました、休暇村 南紀勝浦。前回の熊野詣でも利用したお宿です。エントランスが少し上がっていて、階段を上がるとロビーです。休暇村の会員になっているとお得ですよ。

Here we are at Kyukamura Nanki-Katsuura. This is the same inn I used on my last Kumano pilgrimage. The entrance is a little bit up the stairs to the lobby. If you are a member of Kyukamura, you can get a good deal. Furthermore, if you belong to an organization that has a contracted recreation facility system, you may be able to get an even better discount if you present this information at the counter. Please check the following information on the Kyukamura’s website if you think there may be a possibility. 契約保養所制度のある団体に所属している方は、窓口で提示すると更にお得に泊まれる可能性があります。休暇村のHP では、以下のように書かれておりますので、可能性があるかも、と思われたら、ご確認ください。


This system allows companies and organizations to receive subsidies when using the vacation village as part of their welfare program.
The details and necessary procedures differ for each company or organization, so please check with the department or office in charge of your organization in advance. In many cases, campsites, cottages, and tour products are not eligible for subsidies, so please check with the relevant department or office in advance.

Enjoy dinner at a reasonable price at Nachi’s Furusato Zen那智のふるさと膳でお安く夕食を堪能

A variety of delicious kaiseki dishes are available. In addition, there is a lineup of all-you-can-eat deep-fried tempura, the chef’s signature takikomi-gohan, curry made with Kumano beef, salad with tuna, cake, ice cream, and beverages. Therefore, we decided on the cheapest course this time to enjoy all-you-can-eat.


The result was… a winner. We took as much shrimp tempura, pumpkin tempura, and chicken tempura as we wanted, which the chef fried in front of us! Salad with marinated tuna was also delicious and was served with a yuzu kosho dressing.


Delicious buffet in the morning 朝もおいしいバイキング

I had a full meal last night, but I still had to grab some extra food in the morning as well, as there were so many delicious-looking items lined up. The best recommendation.


活き〆天然まぐろの特製漬丼 右上
右上 「活き〆天然まぐろの特製漬丼」 

This was really delicious,too!! Please give it a try!


Have a nice day! (^^)/
