デイヴィッド ホックニー展に行ってきた!    I went to the David Hockney exhibition in Tokyo!

Random Note

 今日、清澄白河駅から、歩いて東京都現代美術館のデイヴィッド ホックニー展に行ってきました。この展覧会は、2023年7月15日から11月5日まで開かれています。

Today, I walked from Kiyosumi-Shirakawa Station to the David Hockney exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. This exhibition is open from July 15 to November 5, 2023.

半蔵門線 清澄白河駅から歩く                          Walk from Kiyosumi-Shirakawa Station on the Hanzoumonn Line 

地下鉄 半蔵門線の清澄白河駅から、小さめのキャリーバッグを引いていったけど、駅に戻るなら、コインロッカーにいれてくれば良かった。駅にはコインロッカーがありました。

I pulled my small carry-on bag from Kiyosumi-Shirakawa Station on the Hanzomon(半蔵門) Subway Line, but I should have left it in a coin locker if I wanted to return to the station . There were coin lockers at the station.

Exit at Kiyosumi-Shirakawa Station
東京都現代美術館の看板Signboard of Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo

東京都現代美術館に到着!                        Arrive at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo!


オンラインでチケットを買っても、窓口で買っても、絵は印刷されていません。チケット代は、一般 2300円。


If you don’t have 100 yen coins, there is a money-changing machine near the lockers.

Whether you buy tickets online or at the ticket counter, the picture is not printed. Ticket price is 2300 yen for adults.

It seemed to be cheaper if the ticket was combined with the other exhibit,「あっ、共感とかじゃなくて」 “Oh, Not Sympathy,” but I didn’t have time to see both exhibits, so I paid 2300 yen. The temperature inside the museum is kept at 21 degrees Celsius, so it is cool. Many foreigners came to see the exhibition. Many of them were of European and American descent. Perhaps it was because many people were dressed coolly in T-shirts and shorts, but there were free rental blankets at the entrance. Inside the museum, there were couples with blankets draped over their shoulders. It seems that men are cold, too.

展示内容は素晴らしかった!ウキウキする楽しさ!            The exhibit was wonderful! Exciting and fun! 


The exhibit was nothing short of amazing. David is also good at portraits, and there were many of them on display. It was especially interesting to see two people painted on the same screen, as it is rare to see two people painted on the same screen. The “Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Percy” was almost life-size, as if there was a person in front of me.

《春の到来 イースト・ヨークシャー、ウォルドゲート2011》    ”Spring   Arrival, Waldgate, East Yorkshire, 2011.”

3階から展示を見始めて、2階へ降り、1階へ。1階の展示は撮影可能エリアです。私は、風景画が好きなので、1階の展示フロアの最初にある《春の到来 イースト・ヨークシャー、ウォルドゲート2011年》を見ました。大きい!感動的です。色使いもきれい。細部も近寄ってみることができました。

I started looking at the exhibit from the third floor, went down to the second floor, and then to the first floor, where photography is allowed. I like landscapes, so I went to the first exhibit on the first floor, “Spring Arrival, Waldgate, East Yorkshire, 2011.” Large! Impressive. The colors are beautiful. I was able to get a closer look at the details.


Moving on to the next room, we found a landscape painting that depicts the four seasons without interruption! It was a sight to behold, as the paintings continued uninterrupted for a total length of 90 meters. On the basement floor, the paintings of the four seasons are displayed in the shape of a gourd. The four seasons’ landscapes were pasted and displayed on one floor of the basement. The uniqueness of the exhibition method and the fact that these were new works drawn by 86-year-old Hockney using an IPad allowed us to walk around and enjoy the scenery to the fullest. The space in front of the exhibit is wide enough for visitors to walk around with plenty of room to spare.

The year in Normandy 部分portion
The year in Normandy 部分portion
The year in Normandy 部分portion


I found a calendar of this painting in a store and bought it. You can also get it online. There are many other goods available!              These sentences were translated by DeepL.

