しまなみ海道サイクリング 今治に車をおいて、尾道と往復に決めた理由! Shimanami Kaido Cycling I left my car in Imabari and made a round-trip cycling trip. The reason why I decided to leave my car in Imabari and go to Onomichi and back!

しまなみ海道 ルートマップ 生口橋を望む場所で Cycling
しまなみ海道 ルートマップ 


We decided to leave the car in Imabari or Onomichi and challenge a round trip on the Shimanami Kaido. Fortunately, we were able to make the round-trip cycling trip in two days and one night. In this article, I will tell you about the decisive factors that led us to this itinerary.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

事前にリサーチ〜今治に決めた!Research in advance Whether to park in Imabari or Onomichi – I decided on Imabari!


① 今治で駐車料金が安い駐車場がホテルから近かった。

② 駅前に「JRクレメントイン今治」という快適なホテルが有る       

③ 尾道には、自転車を安心して置いて泊まれる「尾道国際ホテル」がある

We researched beforehand and decided to park our car in Imabari and go cycling on the Shimanami Kaido. The deciding factors were as follows.

(1) Parking fees are cheaper in Imabari. (2) There is a comfortable hotel called “JR Clement Inn Imabari” in front of the station (3) There is “Onomichi International Hotel” in Onomichi, where we can leave our bicycles safely.

① 今治に駐車料金が安いところを見つけた (1) Parking fees are cheaper in Imabari.

 今治駅には、24時間 500円の駐車場が駅前にあることです。「JRクレメントイン今治」が予約できれば、この駐車場はすぐ近くです。大きな駐車場なので、周りの空き具合を見て、停める場所を選べば、自転車を組み立てるのにも都合が良いです。ただし、屋根はついていません。

Imabari Station has a 500 yen parking lot in front of the station for 24 hours. If you can make a reservation at “JR Clement Inn Imabari,” this parking lot is very close by. It is a large parking lot, so it is convenient for assembling bicycles.

② 今治駅前に「JRクレメントイン今治」というホテルが有る (2) There is a comfortable hotel called “JR Clement Inn Imabari” in front of the station

「JRクレメントイン今治」https://www.jalan.net/yad333415/はサイクリストには好評のホテルです。駐車場あり。自転車を持ち込める部屋があり。部屋へ持って上がれるコーヒーのほか、化粧水・乳液・クレンジング・洗顔料・ブラシ・歯磨きセット・ひげそりがアメニティとして用意されています。内装も清潔できれいです。夕方からは1階のダイニングが共有スペースとして利用できる「しまなみラウンジ」が用意されています。宿泊者専用で、自由に飲めるドリンク類が揃えられています。1階ロビーには、2〜3台自転車が置けるスペースもあります。ホテルの部屋にバスタブはありますが、疲れを癒やすには、割引券をもらえる「しまなみ温泉 喜助の湯」に行くのもおすすめです。ただし、女性用脱衣所の水は、カップを置いて100円いれるものでしたので、湯上がりにお水をごくごく飲みたい人は、ペットボトルのお水を持参するのをおすすめします。

”JR Clement Inn Imabari” is a popular hotel for cyclists. There is a parking lot (if you can’t park, you can park at the parking lot in front of the station). Bicycles can stay in some rooms, coffee can be brought up to the room, and lotion, milky lotion, cleanser, face wash, brush, toothpaste, and razor are provided as amenities. The interior is clean and neat, and one of the two elevators can accommodate bicycles. In the evening, the dining room on the first floor is available for use as a common space, the “Shimanami Lounge”. The lounge is for the exclusive use of guests and has a selection of drinks that can be consumed freely. There is also space for two or three bicycles in the lobby on the first floor. The Imabari Station Cycling Terminal is right next door. Hotel rooms have bathtubs, but to soak away your fatigue, we recommend going to the Shimanami Onsen Kisuke no Yu (Shimanami Hot Springs), where you can get a discount coupon. However, the water in the women’s changing room is available in a cup for 100 yen, so if you want to drink a lot of water after taking a bath, we recommend that you bring your own bottled water.

③ 尾道国際ホテルに泊まると安全に自転車をおいて泊まれる (3) You can safely leave your bicycle at Onomichi Kokusai Hotel.

尾道国際ホテルは、尾道到着時に駅前渡船(しまなみ海道 サイクリングマップでは、向島から尾道に行く際は、渡船を利用することを推奨しています)を利用した場合、上陸後、海岸沿いの道を西へ走ると、わかりやすい場所に位置しています。このホテルの駐輪場は、23時以降、シャッターを締めて施錠してくれるのです。安心です。しかも、チェックイン後であれば、更に奥のシャッターが閉まる駐輪場も案内していただけます。こちらは、常時施錠の駐輪場です。うちの場合は、尾道側にこの駐輪場があることが、今治出発の一つの決め手になりました。なぜならば、予定していた期間の天気予報が直前まで雨予報だったからです。屋根のある駐輪場を探していたのですが、こちらは施錠もできるとのことで、尾道国際ホテルhttps://www.jalan.net/yad325903/に決めました。

The Onomichi International Hotel is located in an easy-to-find location if you take the Ekimae ferry upon arrival in Onomichi (the Shimanami Kaido Cycling Map recommends using the ferry when traveling from Mukaishima to Onomichi), and then ride west along the coastal road after landing. The hotel’s bicycle parking lot is shuttered and locked after 23:00. It is safe. Moreover, after check-in, you will be guided to the bicycle parking lot further back, where the shutters are also closed. This is the always-locked bicycle parking lot. In our case, the availability of this bicycle parking lot on the Onomichi side was one of the deciding factors for our departure from Imabari. This was because the weather forecast for the period we were planning to visit was rain until just before the trip. We were looking for a bicycle parking lot with a roof, and we decided on the Onomichi International Hotel because this one could also be locked.


尾道国際ホテル レストラン 四季亭の割引券
尾道国際ホテル レストラン 四季亭の割引券

We got a cheap twin room, which was very small and we wished we had paid a little more. The food, however, was excellent. We were exhausted and didn’t have the energy to go out to eat, but it would have been lonely to celebrate the completion of the race at the Lawson next door. So we ate at the restaurant in the hotel. The food was very good. If you get a coupon from the hotel website, you can eat at a discount. Breakfast was also very good.

まとめ summary 

A beginner cycled the Manami Kaido by electric bicycle and back. This time, we parked our car in Imabari, stayed at JR Clement Inn Imabari, and cycled along the Shimanami Kaido to Onomichi on the outward trip. On the return trip, we cycled from Onomichi to Oshima, and returned to Imabari by boat from Tomoura Port in Oshima (explained in another article).

Have a nice time ! (^^)/
