Kaiyodo Space Factory なんこく(海洋堂 スペースファクトリー なんこく)〜「朝だ!生です旅サラダ」番組情報!フィギュアを作っている工場が見られるよ!Kaiyodo Space Factory Nankoku – “Asa da! Ikudesu Tabi Salad” program information! You can see the factory where figures are made!

ティラノサウルスのフィギュアの画像(chatGPT作成) Japan Information

2024.7.20. 朝だ!生です旅サラダ で紹介された Kaiyodo Space Factory なんこく 2024.7.20. Morning! Travel Salad” introduced Kaiyodo Space Factory Nankoku.

「夏休みに行きたい!魅惑のフィギュアの世界!」と題して紹介されたのは、高知県南国市にある”Kaiyodo Space Factory なんこく”。

Summer Vacation! The fascinating world of figures! The title of the article was “Kaiyodo Space Factory Nankoku,” located in Nankoku City, Kochi Prefecture.


It is a very attractive place for people who like figures.

「海洋堂SpaceFactoryなんこく」と「海洋堂高知なんこくファクトリー」 Kaiyodo SpaceFactory Nankoku and Kaiyodo Kochi Nankoku Factory


The difference between “Kaiyodo SpaceFactory Nankoku” and “Kaiyodo Kochi Nankoku Factory” is explained as follows



KAIYODO SpaceFactory Nankoku is a facility built by Nankoku City for manufacturing.

Kaiyodo Kochi Nankoku Factory is Kaiyodo’s figure factory located in Kaiyodo SpaceFactory Nankoku.

Kaiyodo Space Factory Nankoku のHP 「よくある質問」より


Opened in 2021 as a facility where visitors can enjoy a variety of figures. It is also the production factory for Kaiyodo’s figures, and this time we were given a special opportunity to go inside the factory and actually experience figure making.

In addition, at the manufacturing corner on the second floor, visitors can experience unusual manufacturing using a laser cutting machine.

興味のある方は、南国市のHPや「朝だ!生です旅サラダ」のHPへ If you are interested, please visit the website of Nankoku City or the website of “Asa! It’s a trip to the homepage of “Asa!

南国市のHP Nankoku City HP https://kaiyodo-sfn.jp/

「朝だ!生です旅サラダ」のHP Morning! It’s a trip salad” HP https://tsplus.asahi.co.jp/tsalad/nakamaru/nakamarujirushi20240720/

Have a nice day!(^^)/

Deep L helped me.
