These days, I have fewer and fewer chances to see movies that are not shown in multiplexes. This time, I went to “Fushimi Millionza” in Fushimi, Nagoya to see ‘The Lost King’. As a matter of fact, around the Millionza, there were a few women looking for the Millionza while looking at their smart phones. I finally arrived there after going around in circles many times, even though the sign said it was only a one-minute walk from Exit 1! So, let me give you an easy-to-understand explanation.
- 伏見ミリオン座に行Go to Fushimi Millionza
- グーグルマップでは伏見駅からミリオン座にたどり着けなかった理由Why Google Map could not reach Millionza from Fushimi Station
- 地下鉄東山線伏見駅1番出口からの道順Directions from Exit 1 of Fushimi Station on the Higashiyama Subway Line
- ミリオン2のD-3席は、スクリーンの中央付近、スクリーンと目の高さに位置する。Million 2 D-3 seats are located near the center of the screen, at eye level with the screen.
- summary
伏見ミリオン座に行Go to Fushimi Millionza
I decided to see the film in Nagoya and headed to Nagoya station on a weekday. The screening time is only 10:00 in the morning. From Nagoya Station, take the Higashiyama Subway Line toward Fujigaoka and get off at the first station, Fushimi Station. The closest exit to Fushimi Millionza is No. 1. This is written on the yellow signboard on the platform where you get off the train. So, go up the stairs in the direction of Exit 1 and exit through the ticket gate.
グーグルマップでは伏見駅からミリオン座にたどり着けなかった理由Why Google Map could not reach Millionza from Fushimi Station
伏見ミリオン座は、地下鉄東山線伏見駅1番出口から東へ徒歩1分と表示されているのに、Google Mapを見ながら歩いていたにもかかわらず、たどり着けな買った私。Google Mapを片手に歩いていたにもかかわらず、見つけられなかった。なんと、1ブロック回って1番出口に戻ってしまう始末。『なんでミリオンザがないの?』。後に知人に聞くところによると、ビルが多すぎるので、Google Mapが現在地が正確に把握するのが難しかったからだという。この経験から、伏見ミリオン座への簡単な行き方を紹介します。
Fushimi Millionza is marked as a one-minute walk east from Exit 1 of Fushimi Station on the Higashiyama Line, but I could not get there, despite the fact that I was walking while looking at Google Map. I could not find it, even though I was walking with Google Map in my hand. I, too, had to go around one block to get back to Exit 1. ‘Why isn’t there a Millionza?’ I later found out from an acquaintance. I later found out from an acquaintance that it was because there were so many buildings in the area that it was difficult to accurately determine where I was. Based on this experience, I would like to introduce an easy way to get to Fushimi Millionza.
地下鉄東山線伏見駅1番出口からの道順Directions from Exit 1 of Fushimi Station on the Higashiyama Subway Line
As you exit from Exit 1, you will see a large road running right by your side. This is Fushimi Dori. On the other side of the road is a large, shiny, silver building.
1. With the road in front of you, go right.This is the most important part. Do not go toward the big intersection on your left. You will see Yoshinoya Fushimidori Nishiki (beef bowl restaurant) nearby. Walk toward the orange Yoshinoya.
2.When you reach the corner of Yoshinoya, do not cross the street and turn right. At the end of this block is Cafe de Crier (chain coffee shop).
伏見ミリオン座のホームページ(https://eiga.starcat.co.jp/theater/million/ )
3.Continue straight acrossroad( Kuwanamachi Dori )and you will see a low black building on your right. This is the Fushimi Millionza. At first glance, it looks like a coffee shop because you can see the café corner through the glass windows, but there are many movie information boards posted on the building, and you will see a large crown symbol and the words “Millionza” on the upper right corner of the building.
the Fushimi Millionza website (https://eiga.starcat.co.jp/theater/million/ )
ミリオン2のD-3席は、スクリーンの中央付近、スクリーンと目の高さに位置する。Million 2 D-3 seats are located near the center of the screen, at eye level with the screen.
My seats this time were Million 2 D-3. the center of the screen was seat 4. the online ticket machine on the first floor shows the center as a dotted line. 3 was just to the right of the middle facing the screen. The height was the same as the screen, so it was easy to see. For your information.
From Nagoya Station, take the Higashiyama Line in the direction of Fujigaoka and get off at Fushimi Station, the first stop.
Have a nice time! (^^)/
DeepL helped me translate.