2023.9.29. is the Mid-Autumn Moon. This year’s Harvest moon falls on the day when the full moon coincides. The next time the Harvest moon and the full moon will coincide will be in seven years, so this is a rare opportunity.
2023.9.28. CBCラジオで聞いた話です!かつて、行われていた”お月見どろぼう”という風習が、愛知県の長久手市や日進市、三重県の四日市市では、いまでも行われているそうです。
I heard this story on CBC radio on September 28, 2023! The old custom of “Otsukimi Dorobo” is still practiced in Nagakute City and Nisshin City in Aichi Prefecture, and Yokkaichi City in Mie Prefecture.
So, what kind of custom is “otsukimi dorobo”? Otsukimi Dorobo” is an event in which children are allowed to take dumplings, potatoes, and other items that are left on the porch on Otsukimi day. In areas where this custom is still practiced, supermarkets sell packets of dumplings for the “otsukimi dorobo” to take with them. The local residents leave the candy on their doorstep, and children come and visit them, saying, “Give me the candy or I will play a trick on you.
I was surprised at how similar the human mindset is to that of the past and present, as I had never heard of such an event in Japan. ‼️Have a nice time !(^^)
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