2024年~明治村の謎解きが開幕!2024 – The mystery of the Meiji Village opens!

Scoop3の封筒 Japan Information

明治村謎解きアトラクション 江戸川乱歩の不完全な事件帖~最奥に潜むもの~ 開幕!      Meiji-mura Mystery Solving Attraction – Edogawa Rampo’s Incomplete Casebook – What Lurks at the Deep End – Opening!

Scoop 3 白昼夢 に挑戦してきました!インター出口から混んでいた!  Scoop 3 I tried daydreaming! It was crowded from the interchange exit!


The long-awaited opening of the 2024 Mystery Solving Attraction was on Saturday 24 February. We arrived at the Komaki-Higashi Interchange at around 10:30, but from the next traffic light at the exit of the interchange, there was a traffic jam. I used to go on the Saturday or Sunday following the opening of the attraction, so it was a bit of a surprise. It was like stopping and moving a little bit, until just before the junction with Little World nearby, and then moving on. A side road runs parallel to the road, so we saw about three cars going across the bridge towards the junction with Little World nearby. The road appeared to be narrow, but there were larger vehicles driving along as well as light vehicles. As far as we could see, there appeared to be no oncoming traffic. Well, as we were moving on too, we arrived at Meiji Village without too much frustration, although the traffic was congested. The main car parking was still available, and there was no queue at the ticket office. It was easy to enter.

いよいよ問題を入手します。Scoop3は1,000円 Finally, we get the Booklet in question. Booklet in question of Scoop3 costs 1,000 yen.

入り口すぐの受付で問題入手。Scoop 1~3まとめ買いすると安いのだが、一度に3つも解く自信がないので、とりあえずScoop3 のみ購入。Scoop3が解ければ、Scoop4,5がスタートしたときに先に進めるからだ。You can get the booklet in riddle at the reception desk just outside the entrance.If you buy Scoop 1~3 booklets together,that way is cheaper, but I don’t have the confidence to solve three booklets in riddle at once, so I only bought Scoop 3’s one for now, because if I can solve Scoop 3’s riddle, I can move on when Scoop 4 and 5 start.

Scoop3 の出だしは順調で気を良くする Scoop3 get off to a good start and is feeling good


Normally, I struggle from the very first riddle, but this time I feel better that things are going well. At least I’m glad I don’t get into a situation where I have no idea what’s going on. First, I walk to the south exit for lunch and get a small sandwich, coffee and croquettes from the shop to fill up. I sit down, think it over, deduce where to go next, and start walking. From there, I managed to get to the interim report, although I did get lost in places. Ho!”

中間報告の後は、頭に栄養を与えるべくポップコーンを食べる After the mid-term report, eat popcorn to nourish your brain.

入り口近くの受付で続きの紙を手に入れたら、少し甘いもので一休み。私のお気に入りは、ポップコーンです。このポップコーンは売店で売っています。甘すぎず、考えながらでもちょこっとつまめて、手もさほど汚れません。今回は、イチゴ味も販売してましたが、私は通常販売のキャラメル味をセレクトしました。お茶は黒豆茶を買いました。自販機の場所は、村内マップの55番 隅田川新大橋から53番小那沙美島灯台の近くの道(橋になっていて、池の反対側は木が茂っているところ)を聖ザビエル天主堂に向かう道に出るところです。2台あるので、お気に入りの飲み物を探せるかも知れませんよ。今回の黒豆茶はおいしかった、温かいし、小ぶりなので飲みきることができました。ここで、次の行き場所を考えて、Let’s go!

Once I’ve picked up a paper of riddle to continue at the reception near the entrance, take a break for something a little sweeter. My favourite is popcorn. This popcorn is sold at the concession stand. It’s not too sweet, you can munch on popcorn while you’re thinking, and your hands don’t get too dirty. This time, they also sold strawberry-flavoured popcorn, but I chose the regular caramel-flavoured popcorn. For tea, I bought black bean tea. The vending machines are located on the map of the village, No. 55 from the new Sumida River Bridge to the road near No. 53 Konasami Island Lighthouse (where there is a bridge and the other side of the pond is overgrown with trees) to the road leading to St. Xavier’s Cathedral There are two machines, so you may be able to find your favourite drink. This time the black bean tea was delicious, warm and small enough to drink. Here you can think about where to go next and Let’s go!

三重県庁舎で外れなしの抽選会 ただし、謎が解けたらね A no-miss draw at the Mie Prefectural Hall, but only if the mystery is solved.

Scoop3 購入時に、本日のイベントの謎解きももらいました。紙の表に一問だけ、謎が付いていて、それが解けたら抽選に参加できるというモノ。実は、Scoop3を解きながら、こちらの問題も考えていたのだけれど、簡単な誰でも解ける謎として作られているのに、これがなかなか解けないのが私達。でも、三重県庁舎にたどり着き、なんとか抽選会に参加。ハズレー!お菓子もらいました。

When I bought Scoop3’s booklet, I also received a riddle for today’s event. There is only one riddle on the front of the paper, and if you can solve it, you can participate in the raffle. Actually, we were thinking about this question while solving Scoop3, but we couldn’t solve it very well, even though it was designed as a simple riddle that anyone could solve. But we reached the Mie Prefectural Office building and managed to take part in the lottery. Hazuray! We received sweets.

梅が咲いていました。きれいでした。The plum trees were in bloom. It was beautiful!

64番 菊の世酒造の前に梅園があるので、見頃であろうと行ってみると、やはり見頃でした。SLと一緒に写真に収めることができました。ほのかに香っていてきれいでした。

I went to the plum orchard in front of the Kikunoyo Brewery (No. 64) to see if it was at its best, and it was. It was beautiful with a faint fragrance.

今回も、明治村を堪能しました。Again, I enjoyed the Meiji Village.

3/24 もう,梅が散って、山桜が咲いていました。24 March The plum trees had already fallen and the mountain cherry trees were in bloom.

3/24 1か月後に行くと、もう梅が散っていました。そして、何と、SL が故障中。2/24にSLと梅を一緒に撮影しておいて良かった!

3/24 When I went there a month later, the plums had already fallen. And surprisingly, the SL is out of order. I’m glad I took a photo of SL and plum together on February 24th!

Have a nice time ! (^^)/

DeepL helped me to translate.
