明治村の桜 開花状況 3月30日 Cherry blossoms in Meijimura status. 3/30

明治村2024.3.30.開花状況 速報 Japan Information
明治村2024.3.30.開花状況 速報 日付の池付近の桜


I am concerned about the blooming status of cherry blossoms. For those of you who are wondering, “Are the cherry blossoms blooming at Meijimura today ” I send you the latest status on March 30,2024.

北口の駐車場は,ほぼ満車 午前11:30 The parking lot at the north exit is almost full. 11:30 a.m.


Entering from the north exit, down the hill by Tokyo Station in Meijimura and coming out through the tunnel. Flowers on the right and left side down the slope. (See last week’s photo on the right in my blog of the 3/23 Meijimura article.)

5丁目に入る! 63番の宮津裁判所 脇を通って 54番の天童眼鏡橋 から見る 64番の菊の世酒蔵(村内マップ参照)Entering 5th Street! Miyazu courthouse at No. 63, passing by the Tendo Megane Bridge at No. 54, seen from No. 64, Kikunose Sake Brewery (see map of the village).

63番 宮津裁判所前 の桜、咲いています
63番 宮津裁判所前 の桜、咲いています  Cherry blossoms in front of ( No.63)Miyazu courthouse are in bloom.

51番 聖ザビエル天主堂から、園内マップ黄色い坂のところを通って、64番 菊の世酒蔵に向かう階段から、撮影した桜。カメラが趣味の方々が、熱心に撮影されていたスポット。

Cherry blossoms photographed from the stairs leading from (No. 51) St. Xavier’s Cathedral to No. 64 Kikunosei Sake Brewery via the yellow slope on the map of the park. This is the spot where camera hobbyists were taking pictures enthusiastically.

64番 菊の世酒蔵 に上がる階段より
64番 菊の世酒蔵 南側のよく咲いている桜


In the near future, cherry blossoms are expected to bloom here and there in the park.

Have a nice day ! (^^)/
